Wednesday, March 31, 2010

oh, honey, just... no
your dude and I are just pals
please pull your head out

stop reading my blog
stop googling my full name
stop being a dork

you won't find "something"
because there's nothing to find
just chill out, sweetheart

he's my BFF
but you've got the diamond ring
why can't WE be friends?


Kim Smith said...

I love your blog. I surfed in and believe it or not it was just what I needed at the time. I do a Traveler Thursday segment over at my blog and you are my spotlight blog for this week. I hope you will visit and say hi.

Haizara Edogawa said...

Nice posting, please visit my blog too @

Rondell said...

Neneh Cherry rock!
Love me some Buffalo Stance.
Where the nachos at?

Shona said...

lol. love these.

Bubba said...

These are great haiku
Telling a story untold
They speak honestly